I once saw two parrots. They might have been twins, yet again, maybe not.


meta-cemetery-photographing vs cemetery-photographing

Thank you, my tireless readers, for pointing out that I just posted my story of our weekend at Dalby to Twin Parrots. Yes, I know that! It was not a cemetery-photography posting (which should indeed be reserved for Dead Centre of Queensland) but a meta-cemetery-photography posting (which belongs still in Twin Parrots).

The responsible and mature blogger at Dead Centre would not slag off the fine town of Jandowae just because they found it very hot in the middle of the day in summer there (indeed, what would any mature and responsible person have expected the weather to be?). However, the immature and irresponsible Twin Parrots blogger is free to take irrational dislike to Jandowae for failing to provide suitable weather.