I once saw two parrots. They might have been twins, yet again, maybe not.


CRC success!

After the sad demise of DSTC in 2005 following the failure of our Cooperative Research Centre bid in 2004, I am very pleased to report that we had success with 2 CRCs bids in this 2006 round:

* Smart Services CRC (a rebid of Smart Internet CRC)
* Spatial Information CRC extension bid

Of course, I am not so naive to think this means either the resurrection of DSTC (as a specific organisation) nor of an organisation like DSTC. Alas, the model of research funding for universities laid down by DEST makes it virtually impossible to have such an organisational model for a new CRC. The funding must flow through the universities and the staff be employed by the universities, which brings with it various advantages and disadvantages. But whatever the structure I am still very pleased to be able to say ...

Game on!