I once saw two parrots. They might have been twins, yet again, maybe not.


St Stephens Girls School

Has anyone ever heard of St Stephens Girls School in the Brisbane CBD? Despite my interest in Brisbane's history, this school has never come to my attention.

But if you walk down Charlotte Street (the street behind St Stephens Catholic Cathedral), you will see an old building on the cathedral grounds facing Charlotte Street which is currently being restored. And high on the front wall are the words "St Stephens Girls School".

So I have to wonder if the words were revealed as a consequence of the restoration or whether they were always there and I just never noticed them before.

Google was no help whatsoever in learning more about this school. Given the name and the proximity to the cathedral, there are no bonus marks for guessing it was a catholic girl's school, but when did it operate? Was there a corresponding boy's school? Enquiring minds want to know.


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