I once saw two parrots. They might have been twins, yet again, maybe not.


The popularity of blogs

I think I have finally figured out the real truth that underpins the popularity of blogs. My blog doesn't have to endure the signal-to-noise ratio problems that pervade most other internet forums. My blog is a perfectly moderated stream of quality opinion, closed to the rabble that inhabits the rest of the Internet. Nobody gets to tell me that I can't say "damn" or that I should have used American spelling.

Now it might be argued that since hardly anybody reads my blog, what's the point. But frankly I think it's a case of preferring quality to quantity.

Of course, I need to turn comments off on my blog to make absolutely certain of that. Excuse me while I pop off and do that.

Kerry, whose daily threshold for morons-I-encounter-on-the-Internet has just been reached